
Light On Me

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Table of Contents

__Light On Me__

taekyung is a 18-year-old high school student. he is also a lifelong loner. but one day, he starts questioning his own judgment and tells a teacher that he no longer wishes to be alone. the teacher advises him to join the school’s student council. he meets the vice president of the council, shinwoo, who is cool and level-headed, but also somewhat cold toward him and reluctant to accept taekyung. however, he also meets the super-attractive president of the council: daon, who appears to take an instant shine to him. the beginnings of a romance appear to be in the cards for daon and taekyung, but shinwoo does not seem to approve. matters are further complicated by the fact that daon’s close female friend – who secretly loves daon – is jealous of their closeness.

Taekyung confronting other students who had been making fun of him, quite literally, behind his back.

Episode 1

Taekyung, our main character, likes to be alone and there is nothing wrong with that. His interactions with teachers and other students are blunt and brief. But, Taekyung starts to feel uncomfortable in his loneliness. We're shown these things that happen daily for him but they feel unfamiliar now. He wants to change it but he doesn't know how.


Their first meeting is anything but ideal. Cringe-worthy and awkward at best. We see how stand off-ish and aggresive Shinwoo can be, though we don't know it's him yet. I can't help but notice how defensive he really gets. In my opinion, he already has feelings towards Taekyung. Whether they are good or bad ones, I don't know, but there's definitely something there that hasn't yet been addressed.

Taekyung tries to return a DILDO that Shinwoo dropped back to him but ends up... uhhh.. yeah it's probably better to watch it.

Daon being the angel that he is and making sure Taekyung's head is okay before scolding the boys playing soccer in the halls.


When Taekyung and Daon meet it is seconds after his encounter with Shinwoo. Things couldn't get worse, right? He gets hit in the head with a soccer ball INDOORS and then when Daon comes to check if he's okay Taekyung proceeds to head butt him. So much for first impressions. Besides that, they immediately highlight Daon's caring attitude towards people. As soon as Daon knows he's okay, he jumps right into checking in on Taekyung.


Taekyung finally reaches out in spite of vowing to remain friendless. I think having a new face around that was already pushing to help him really moved things along. He felt like there was less judgement because it was a face he hasn't seen every day. You can see that Taekyung genuinely wants to start making friends and wants to avoid these new feelings of loneliness.

Taekyung finally reaching out to new teacher, Haebit, about making friends and joining activites.

Daon walking down a hall and letting someone borrow his gym clothes because, I guess, he isn't going to use them?

Council President

This scene REALLY highlights Daon's generosity and niceness to those around him. Because it's expected of him while he's president of the student council. He's a people person so... he has to be a person to people. Whether it's copying notes, borrowing things, or just making sure everyone is okay before himself, Daon is on it 100%.

Vice President

Oh, Mr. Vice President, Noh Shinwoo. In order to join the student council, Taekyung has to go through 3 people. One of those people is Shinwoo. We already know he is rude and mean to Taekyung but why? The comparison to Shinwoo and Daon's first encounters with Taekyung are vastly different. Both were awkward and made you wince but Shinwoo had a bad mood towards Taekyung to begind with... Daon did not.

Shinwoo noticing the teacher-student duo standing in the door when Taekyung calls out to him in recognition.

Namgoong talking happily about food, most likely, I can't remember exactly from the screen cap.


My dear boy, Namgoong. I love his character already and he has said a total of two sentences. He's got a very bubbly personality and with all the tension that happens, he's definitely there to put a stop to it. It has consequences later on which is quite upsetting but he still deserves the world and the universe it sits in.


The first actual conflict comes at the end of episode 1 where everyone is deciding Taekyung's fate as a student council member. Everyone agrees except for one person, can you guess who it is? It's no surprise that Shinwoo is the one to disagree but his reasons why are nothing but technicalities. It is reasonable to want fairness among the students but I doubt the world would crumble because one(1) extra student joined.

Everyone sits while Namgoong goes on about how childish Shinwoo is being because it isn't that big of a deal.

Taekyung telling Shinwoo that he isn't going to put up with his shit just because other people do (basically).


A good twist at the end of this episode was the way Taekyung stood his ground. They never portray him to be one to keep his opinion to himself but I was still surprised just because of how overbearing Shinwoo can be. He's stubborn but so is Taekyung and I really like how they kept his character consistent through this.


So far, I think we're on the right track. There is already tension between two, assumed, main characters. Nothing has been too overwhelming, what I mean by that, is there isn't a lot going on. It's enough to hook you in like a first episode should, but it isn't so much that you're not confused. We know where the story is going and we know the goals and motivations of the main character. All we need now, is the rest of the story... which is exactly how a first episode should be set up!

__Light On Me__

Teacher Haebit convincing Taekyung to keep pursuing his goals. This is also when Taekyung consciously recognizes that the reason he wanted to change is because someone was willing to help him.

Episode 2

After episode 1, we definitely get a feel for the characters and their motivations. But, after having been shut down so quickly, he's eager to give up. Which is understandable, he doesn't want to deal with change, no one really does, and all of this is so new to him. I don't blame him for wanting to give up so quickly. But he knows that there is someone on his side and supporting him. So, he decides to continue on and keep trying.


Shinwoo shows no difference in his opinion. He still continues to hate Taekyung and thinks the council is better off without him. When asked why he hates Taekyung, Shinwoo says that there isn't a reason. But clearly, there is a lot going on inside that brain of his. Even without their first encounter, Shinwoo obviously has another reason for disliking Taekyung.

Shinwoo continuing to tell Daon and Namgoong that Taekyung is no fit for the student council.

Daon showing up early to catch Taekyung cleaning so he can help him out. He knows it's a rough job to do by oneself.


Anytime Taekyung seems to run into trouble, Daon is right there to help him out. I mean, it's what he does. Daon's entire personality so far is be nice and help. Though, it looks like he's showing special treatment to Taekyung, we're shown later on that he would do it for anybody. Daon is truly a really nice guy and wouldn't want to see anyone struggling. He goes out of his way to help Taekyung a bunch through out this episode, let alone the others.

The Same

It's honestly quite amusing to see Shinwoo and Taekyung interact. They're both stubborn people who stand their ground. Shinwoo makes a reference to the snail queen in an attempt to make Taekyung go away, but he really could not care less about what Shinwoo has to say. Taekyung tasked himself with cleaning the student council room and plans to stick to that. They're really quite similar if you think about it.

Shinwoo, trying to drive Taekyung away, grabs the broom out of his hand, but Taekyung, not willing to give up so easily, takes it back.

Shinwoo being scared after Taekyung jokingly found a "spider" in his hair. Upon finding out that it was just dust, Shinwoo's ears get red and he storms out of the room.


Though, Taekyung and Shinwoo both have a mutual disliking of each other, Taekyung isn't afraid to goof off. It seems out of character at first but with the way that he is trying to change and branch out, it makes sense that he would try to joke around, even if it was with the wrong person. Of course, Shinwoo doesn't take kindly to this and storms off. I'm really enjoying the way these characters develop AND still manage to stay consistent.

Not That Bad

Through out this episode, Taekyung is constantly being told that Shinwoo is really "not that bad". But with no evidence, he can't really take anyone's word for it. He needs to see it himself and that's understandable!! I know I wouldn't want to take kindly to someone who was being absolutely vile towards me. Honestly, no one should. Though, we can assume the Shinwoo is not as bad as he leads on, it's still not a good look to be a dick.

Namgoong telling Taekyung he needs to put the monster he awoke inside Shinwoo, back to sleep. Taekyung understood none of it.

Daon mentioning the fact that he remembers Taekyung from before they had offically met which strikes a cord with Taekyung, who mentions that no one has ever remembered him before.


Daon continuously shows Taekyung that he isn't alone. He constantly reassures him that things are going to be okay. He helps him when he's down and talks him up when he needs it. For the first time, we see Taekyung touched by Daon's words when he mentions that he remembers Taekyung from volunteer work. This realization point towards Daon being a love interest. There was even a little bell that pointed towards the fact that Taekyung has taken a liking to him already.


There is no doubt in my mind that Taekyung finds Namgoong weird. I mean, he was hiding behind a couch, sleeping, but still hiding. He startles Taekyung who is a mix of concerned and confused. Namgoong explains his routine of sneaking away from classes only to hide in different places to sleep. He's a silly character and while Taekhyung does find him odd, I'm sure Namgoong feels the same about him.

Namgoong proceeds to give Taekyung useles advice and boast about he knows everyone and everything about everybody.

Shinwoo being a baby because GOD FORBID Taekyung make any friends at all.


This is where I think Shinwoo goes a little too far with his act and he realizes it too. He's trying to be mean, he's trying to drive Taekyung away, but the way he sneered at him during this scene was personal. We get it, you don't like him, but to basically spit in his face for wanting to join the student council? Tone it down a bit. Also, the way he was trying to drag Namgoong out of there and the way Namgoong was trying to incllude Taekyung, broke my heart.

Lee Sohee

Oh, none of you are prepared for the way I'm about to trash talk this bitch as I rewatch the series. She is annoying, exhausting, and SHE DOESN'T EVEN GO THERE!!! Taekyung is completely in the right to be asking her what she is doing in an ALL BOYS SCHOOL and for her to look him up and down use "I'm here all the time" as an excuse??? AND the way she looks at him after smelling, yeah that's right SMELLING Daon's cologne on Taekyung. She was never supposed to be a good character.

Some girl who wandered into an all boys high school and then got mad when a boy asked her what she was doing in an ALL BOYS HIGH SCHOOL.


The episode was nothing special. Most of it was used to try and make Taekyung feel bad for disliking Shinwoo after the way he's been treated. I get that Shinwoo isn't actually a bad guy, but Taekyung doesn't know that and is completely in the right to hate him the way he does. It doesn't discourage me from wanting to watch the rest of the show though. So far, this series has been good with keeping you hooked while also not throwing too much information at you. We will continue on with the next episode soon!

__Light On Me__

Taekyung taking notice of the deep sigh Daon does before jumping in to help someone, yet again.

Episode 3

Episode 2 was nothing special but Episode 3 definitely gave us some development and explanation. The first scene shows the beginning of Daon becoming overwhelmed with his duties as president, which aren't really his duties at all. He's a good person. no one is denying that, but at what cost? It's starting to have an affect on him and I don't think it'll go away any time soon.

Just Say No

As much as I love that Daon is a good person, I really think he needs to learn how to say no. Sohee is not only rude to the other boys, but also Daon?? The same guy with whom she likes and makes her entire personality. I mean, who in the right mind introduces themselves like that? This is why I think Daon needs to reject her because she knows he doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that she likes him and uses this to keep involving herself with him.

Sohee acknowledging the fact that she misuses her time and privilege as the girls high school council vice president to come over and bother Daon because... she likes him.

Taekyung after bumping into Shinwoo's back after following him and Shinwoo stopping abruptly.


Some of the episode is spent on Taekyung trying to push for him and Shinwoo to become friends. He follows Shinwoo, pesters him at lunch, and even in the bathroom. I think Shinwoo is rightfully annoyed, I'm not excusing his rudeness, but if someone who I didn't want to talk to kept following me around, I'd definitely be a little upset. It's honestly kinda reasonable on both ends, which sucks even more, because it's harder to take sides when you understand both of them.

Switch Up

After their interaction in the bathroom, Taekyung is upset with Shinwoo. I mean, he called Taekyung an eye sore but other than that, Shinwoo is just annoyed with the pestering. However, Taekyung walks away and this is where we see our first indication that Shinwoo does have feelings. Afterwards, he looks like he wants to reach out to Taekyung but now Shinwoo is the one getting ignored. It's a back and forth game that will probably get pretty boring after a while.

Shinwoo telling Taekyung that he's tired of the following around, pestering, and bothering him.

Sohee literally inviting herself on this blind date. I've never been so annoyed with a character.


Daon inviting Taekyung to go on a random blind date with him was definitely not on the list of things that I thought would happen this episode, but go off I guess. Taekyung almost doesn't agree to go because he doesn't think he is handsome and Daon immediately jumps in to tell him that he thinks Taekyung is pretty. Shinwoo chokes at this which was quite amusing. It's obvious that there is going to be a love triangle but it doesn't look good so far.

Blind Date

It's no secret that Sohee definitely uses the fact that Daon can't say no to her advantage. It's so enraging to see her act so childish. The date is awkward and unnerving with the way she looks at the other girls. Daon offers to pay for everyone as an apology for bringing her along and she immediately jumps in to say that she thinks they should all split the pay. It's so awkward and weird to see these interactions.

These two poor girls trying to make conversation with Daon, failing because of Sohee, trying again with Taekyung, and failing again because Taekyung doesn't know how to act on a date.

Taekyung trying to convince himself that he's a good person and should continue the date.


Knowing that the two girls would rather talk to Daon, Taekyung goes to the bathroom. When Daon follows, he doesn't hesitate to say that he isn't having fun. They agree that they'll leave soon and go back to the table. Daon switches seats with Taekyung so he isn't cold but I think it's so he doesn't have to continue sitting next to Sohee. The date finishes up and they finally leave. It was exhausting for me and I wasn't even there. I won't even mention the whole conversation where Taekyung thinks that being nice all the time isn't a good thing.


One thing I absolutely despise in bls is when all of the women in the show are horrible people. Light on me is no exception. Sohee pretends to forget something so she can go harass the girls from the blind date into deleting Daon's phone number. It's repulsive. I don't want to hear anyone say "Oh, it's because she knows he didn't actually want to give them his number." NO. It's because she's a bitch. I hate the narrative that all women in bls are mega-bitches but it's 100% true in Sohee's case.

Literally harassing two girls, younger than her, into deleting a phone number which is not hers to give or take.

Everyone looks over as Taekyung calls out to Shinwoo, recognizing that he's in a bad situation.


Okay... so I will admit.. I felt really bad for Shinwoo. It's okay if you don't, we've really only seen him be a dick, but knowing the context of what these boys are harassing him over upsets me greatly. We know his secret. They don't talk about it, they never even hint at it, but knowing that this show is a bl.... he's gay. Shinwoo is gay. These boys literally attempt to blackmail him. It makes me feel horrible that anyone would have to go through this and, personally, I don't think it's the first time it's happened.


The way Taekyung tries to de-escalate everyone and just walk away with Shinwoo is nothing short of a masterpiece. He denies being friends and boyfriends with Shinwoo (it definitely re-enforces that the secret is being gay). They way Shinwoo looks at the guy after he punches Taekyung really shows the emotions. That's not the way you would react when someone you have a mutual dislike for gets punched. He is genuinely angry and upset. That's why I think Shinwoo already has feelings for Taekyung.

Shinwoo holding the guy who just punched his "not boyfriend" by the collar and saying "Don't touch him."

Shinwoo breaking my heart by looking scared and worried for Taekyung.


When a police officer shows up, Shinwoo focuses back on Taekyung who is on the ground and unconscious. He's worried... very worried. The fear in his eyes and voice really says that he is scared. I mean, that's the point. It's easy to brush it off and say that anyone would be this worried, but guessing where this story is going... I think it's safe to say that he has some sort of feelings for Taekyung and cares for him at least a little bit.


This episode mainly highlights Daon's refusal to say no to people and how he thinks it's fine but everyone around him knows it's not a good thing. It also shows us that Shinwoo does have feelings, contrary to popular belief. He's definitely putting up a front and I think part of that has to do with these boys who know his secret. Sohee is a mega bitch but we knew that already. The series is definitely on the right track because CLIFFHANGER!!! I'm still interested in the plot, even after being introduce to a horribly obnoxious character. Can't wait for the next episode!!

__Light On Me__

Taekyung complaining about a scrape on his cheek from getting punched in the pavement.

Episode 4

After the ending of episode 3 and watching episode 4, there is definitely a lot to talk about. After the whole ordeal is over, Taekyung expects a thank you from Shinwoo who stealthily avoids it. He tries again to convince Shinwoo that they should be friends and that they really aren't that different at all. Shiwnoo brushes it off and Taekyung calls him out for defending him if he really hated him that much.

Mr. Know-It-All

On his way back home, Taekyung encounters Namgoong and they talk a little. He asks about the blind date and is not surprised that it didn't go so well. Taekyung asks Namgoong about Shinwoo's middle school friends and what secret they were talking about. Namgoong, who is a self pro-claimed know-it-all pretends he knows nothing and tells Taekyung to ask Shinwoo when they become close. Namgoong also reveals that he witnessed the whole situation and was the one who called the police.

Namgoong telling Taekyung that the scrape on his face will leave a horrible scar if he doesn't do anything to take care of it.

Shinwoo telling Taekyung thank you for saving him right before he just hangs up the phone.

Phone Calls

Taekyung's phone is broken from the fall and he can barely look at what is one the screen. Shinwoo calls and offers a new phone and a thank you. Shinwoo seems... hesitant in his words. He's not comfortable in talking to Taekyung like they're friends. Taekyung declines the phone and can't answer before Shinwoo abruptly hangs up the phone. His ears are a cute shade of red and he seems flustered. Definitely a step in the right direction for their friendship.

Home Life

THIS SCENE HURTS ME!!! We know Daon as this angel nice boy council president but besides him being a little overwhelmed, we haven't gotten any other development for his character. This is the first time we see him talk about his home life. It isn't a lot but it's enough. His facials when he reluctantly takes the paper back to "show his parents" makes my heart ache. There's obviously something that we aren't seeing(yet?) about his life at home.

Daon telling Taekyung that he threw the paper out even though he ranked one of the highest in the school.

Namgoong fake crying that he's jealous because Taekyung and Shinwoo have gotten close without him.


Having to watch Taekyung and Shinwoo awkwardly say hi to each other was excruciating. Even the other two boys in the room thought so and Namgoong dropped his snacks which is saying something! Daon is definitely happy to see them getting closer as it might mean that Taekyung could be on the student council. Namgoong however played fake jealously and became the dramatic mess he always is. Their groups dynamic is so fun to watch and really quite wholesome.


This scene was super dorky and cute. Taekyung expresses that he's hungry(after his stomach does) and asks Shinwoo if he wants to go to the store before class. Shinwoo doesn't even wait for him to finish talking before he stand up, startling Taekyung. After coming back from the store, Taekyung is the only one that bought anything and Shinwoo says he came along just for a walk. It's pretty obvious that he just wanted to spend some time with Taekyung. My heart broke a little when he raised his hand to say goodbye to Taekyung but he had already walked away.

Shinwoo standing up a little too fast when asked if he wanted to go to the store with Taekyung.

Daon surprsing Taekyung by correcting his math homework.


After thinking that Daon was going to be busy all day, Taekyung is surprised to see him in the library. They have a nice conversation about Taekyung's honesty. Taekyung knows it's not always a good thing and Daon mentions that there are people out there who can't be honest... I think Daon was talking about himself. Just the way that he said it... and if he wasn't talking about himself, it was a little out of place to bring up suddenly.

Unwanted Guest

Sohee is nothing short of annoying. Taekyung tried to tell her that Daon would be busy and she got defensive about it. It doesn't help that she found them hanging out together not long afterwards. She pushes herself between Taekyung and Daon only to not care about Daon's attempts to get her to go away. Even Daon could see how rude she was being to Taekyung. He tries to leave and Sohee openly tells him to do so. Finally, Daon convinces her to go wait in the council room.

Sohee telling Taekyung he should move over because it's too tight seconds after she pushed herself between the two boys.

Shinwoo watching as Taekyung invites Daon out to eat the following weekend.


After Sohee leaves, Shinwoo watches from behind a bookself as Daon gives Taekyung a bandaid for his scrape, which is exactly what he was going to do. We see him squeeze the box, obviously upset that someone else was there to do it. This is where we see the first tinge of jealously from him. This is also where we see Taekyung's first actual liking towards Daon pointing very furiously, if you ask me, to a love triangle.

Best Boy

Namgoong always appears in the oddest of places. Even when Sohee is sulking about Daon, Namgoong is there to cheer her up. He is always the mood maker and contiously pulls others out of bad moods. However, he is also the one to tell her that Daon already left with Taekyung. We see Sohee's first tinge of jealousy towards Taekyung as well.

Namgoong doing a little dance to get Sohee's attention only to find out she wasn't even looking.


As episode 4 comes to a close, we can see that there is more to all of these characters than meets the eyes. Is Sohee still a total bitch? Yes. However, we got to see a softer side of Shinwoo and, unfortunately, a darker side to the nice Daon. I am still intrigued with the story and the characters. The story isn't moving too fast or too slow. It's decently paced which is shocking knowing the way Korean BLs tend to work. Onto the next episode!

__Light On Me__

Shinwoo being surprised to see Taekyung had followed him to inquiry about being ignored.

Episode 5

Episode 5 is filled with many ups and downs. I wasn't surprised when Shinwoo ignored Taekyung upon seeing him and we also find out that he's been doing it all day. He lied saying he's been busy and that he didn't see Taekyung. In my opinion, he's trying to distance himself again because he's afraid of getting hurt. It doesn't justify any of the actions to come during this episode, but I understand why he's doing it.

Trying Again

After a short talk with Daon, Taekyung decides to take a more aggressive (for lack of better words) approach on trying to befriend Shinwoo after realizing that he's avoiding him. We also get a deeper glimpse into Daon's home life. His parents don't care to compliment him or his accomplishments which is why, I think, he always tries to help everybody and can't say no. He's tried his entire life to please his parents that it's become second nature for everybody. I still believe he has good intentions but there is definitely another reason.

Daon explaining that his parents don't really give reactions to the things he does so he's stopped trying to get validation from them.

Taekyung touching the place Daon did with a small smile on his face. He explains that no one has touched his cheek like that since he was a kid.


This interaction was actually really cute. Daon treats Taekyung like a younger brother but everything that Daon does touches Taekyung in one way or another. He is touched literally and metaphorically but you can really see that Taekyung enjoys Daon's company a lot. It's pretty obvious, knowing the premise of the show, how these feelings are going to development and it's nice to see the dynamic of that.

Be Quiet

Something I noticed is that Shinwoo only gets hostile, in this episode, whenever he sees Daon and Taekyung interacting. He snaps at them but is obviously criticized. Daon always immediately apologizes and tries to de-escalate the situation but Taekyung is becoming not too fond of it. Even Namgoong asks why Shinwoo is being so aggressive. On a side note, I think Namgoong has a suspicion about Shinwoo's feelings and the potential that Daon and Taekyung have. You can always see him side-eyeing someone during any of their interactions.

Namgoong asking Shinwoo why he's trying to start a fight and that his phone was louder than the two boys had been.

Namgoong and Daon explaining that there is literally nothing wrong with calling another guy "charming"


I would be upset too if I had been waiting for someone and they had bailed on me, but Sohee deserved it. She makes Daon apologize for ditching her and then asks about Taekyung who is now, definitely on her jealousy list. The boys explain that they find Taekyung endearing and Sohee then shows her first ounce of homophobia. I cannot express through just words, how much I hate her.


After, pretty much, any of Shinwoo's outbursts we can see him look guilty. He's usually looking at Taekyung when this happens and you can tell that he feels bad. At the beginning of the episode when he avoids Taekyung, he says it's driving him crazy. He's upset and even more so that he can't control the situations around him. He wants to ignore Taekyung so he doesn't get hurt but he appears everywhere he goes. It gets more difficult with each time he meets him.

Shinwoo looking at Taekyung as they put away books. He just avoided all of his questions about ignoring him and now he feels bad because he doesn't want to hurt Taekyung either.

Daon saying that he's fine and checking to see if Shinwoo is okay.


That being said, Shinwoo has a major case of misplaced anger. Sure, you're upset but it's giving Sohee vibes that he's going this far. I know knocking over his tray was probably an accident because even he's surprised to see what happens. But, it breaks my heart to see Daon immediately start apologizing and asking if Shinwoo is the one that is okay. Even after Taekyung gets upset and asks him to apologize, he still doesn't, he walks away.


It's shown that Shinwoo went to go get napkins but before he can return, Taekyung stops him. He's angry because he knows that Shinwoo is upset at him and needs to stop taking it out on other people. Shinwoo feels horrible about the situation and even calls himself an idiot. But Taekyung has had enough and reasonably so. Tensions are very high.

Taekyung telling Shinwoo to suck it up and at least pretend to like him. He vows to do the same.


I'm not a fan of how their whole relationship took a step back and yeah, I'm sure it's better for the plot or at least important, but it's still upsetting. The entire episode focused on the feelings of Taekyung and Shinwoo. The good ones and the bad ones. The way Shinwoo's relationship with Taekyung contrasts with Daon's is very interesting to watch. I'm eager to start watching episode 6.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon